/ docs / install.md


Debian based packages (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, …)

  1. Install Python 3 or sudo apt install python3/sudo apt-get install python3.

  2. Go to /usr/lib/python3 or cd /usr/lib/python3.

  3. Make new directory “awk-py” or mkdir awk-py.

  4. Download .zip/.tar.gz or clone .git and extract/clone or tar -xvf <version>.tar.gz/git clone github.com/python3lover/AWK.py.git.

  5. If cloned, rename directory to “awk-py” or mv AWK.py awk-py.

  6. Done! Try some examples at /examples or python3 /usr/lib/python3/awk-py/examples/replace.py.


Coming Soon!

Darwin/FreeBSD mashed up with OLD Mac OS X/Mac OS X

Technically same with Linux.